
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween and Such

Getting in the hot air balloon 

IN the hot air balloon...

Walkin' around in the balloon
Me and Haley have been working very hard on our costume this year. And it's awesome. Haley made our shirts (mine says Haley with an arrow pointing to Haley, Haley's says Abby with an arrow pointing to me) and we both worked viciously on the balloon. The balloons, the star of the show were the last thing to go on because they would deflate over night and that would NOT be good. But here's the thing that bugs me: When we went into this we thought our costume would be obvious; a hot air balloon. BUT, however some people did NOT KNOW what we are, ummm hello??? Have you NOT watched the Wizard of Oz??? OH well. We told Haley's mom when we were circling the parking lot (TRUNK-or-treat) around for the second round of candy and she said those people were crazy. Yes, yes they are. But Samantha's (my... sister)friend was Dorothy and we took a picture of the hot air balloon with her(we weren't in it at the time):
Dorothy and the balloon

Her name is Olivia. That's me in the corner there with the blue shirt and the little dude in the orange is Olivia's brother Jaxson. So that was fun. AND I have a new baby COUSIN!!!! Her name is Chloe Lynn Creer (my mum's side of the family). She is soooooooooooo cute!!! PLUS, I got another new book, it's by the same author of Percy Jackson and it's called The Lost Hero:
Lost Hero

It's really good!!! It's about Jason (named after the Greek hero Jason-son of Zeus-god of the gods and weather pretty much)Piper(daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love beauty all that mushy stuff)and Leo(son of Hephaestus, god of fire and tools and building stuff). They are called on a quest to rescue Hera; queen of the gods and Zeus's wife from a prison. First (which is the part I'm at) Piper, Jason, and Leo have to go find the god of the North Wind, Boreas, in Quebec, Canada. They meet his two sons Lethes and Cal, and Boreas' one daughter, Khione. That's pretty much where I'm at!!! Oh well. Happy Halloween!!!!

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