
Monday, October 25, 2010

My Costume

So, me and my friend Haley are being a Hot Air Balloon this year. Yes. A hot air balloon. It's been really fun to make so far and it's going to be AWESOME when it's done. It's supposed to look like this when it's done:

Ours is going to look similar to that one. We doubled the box so we could both fit in and we kept the top part about the same size. We still need to add balloons and decorate the day before (today) the party!  I will definitely post pictures!!! It's almost done and it's looking GREAT!! Me and Haley are going to have matching t-shirts and yeah. Okay, so if the hot air balloon's doubled from the picture, I'll be standing on the left, and Haley will be in the hot air balloon on the right. So like this:

Abby                         L                           Haley
By the way, the line of box thing is where the two boxes are separated. Then there's this piece of cardboard that's like the top of the balloon and that's where we'll attach HELIUM BALLOONS. Helium is very important. And, if your going to make this AWESOME costume (try to look as AWESOME as me and Haley in it) you need LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF...... DUCT TAPE! That's all I have to say. The pictures will come this week/weekend because the PARTAY is tomorrow night!

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