
Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Friends Tigger,Pooh,and Piglet

Pooh and Tigger and Piglet

My friend Anna taught me this abbreviation over emails(not the Anna who helped get my croc)
and it is.......TTFN!! And here's what it stands for.....Ta Ta For Now! Apparently it is a quote from Tigger and he is my favorite Pooh character! Piglet and Pooh are my favorite characters too!I also have the theme song stuck in my head from My Friends Tigger and Pooh because Max loves it and always watches it....and it's very catchy.Sometimes at school I start to sing it and my friend Allison hates it because she doesn't want it stuck in her head. Her sister Aimee is the same age as Max and they're both SOO cute!! :) "My Friends Tigger and Po-oh,My Friends,My Friends Tigger and Pooh"


BBQ's are awesome,but I don't really like hot dogs,but oh well. Hope you had a good 4th!
This is something like our grill.... and I LOVE to BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs...YUM!
Hamburgers are MY favorite with only ketchup!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Because it's summer,I want to show you a BUNCH of pools...so here you have it...
Here is the DEEPEST pool in the world...you actually have to SCUBA in order to go the deepest!Here are some other pools that are pretty neat too!Here are some of the best lap pool and above is a pool you can paddle boat on!!Over to the right is an AMAZING indoor swimming pool!!!Isn't it AWESOME???Up above the coolest indoor pool ever is apparently the best lap pool in NYC!!!Have a great summer!!!!:0)

Ah,the Beach

Ah,the beach.This isn't the beach we went to yesterday or go to...but it's so relaxing,calming,I can come up with 100 ways to describe it.We played in the sand,we got a tiny bit wet,we sunbathed.....and we got crocs out of the water.So here's the story of the croc.Me,my friend Mary,my other friend Anna(both from church),and my sister went down to the dock of Swampscott beach and we were dippin' our feet in and my croc fell in.I tried to get it with my leg and it was pulling AWAY from us.So these to girls ask,"Do you guys need help?" yeah.Then Mary asked if she could go get it and they said yeah...so they wern't really a big help.Mary got the croc,and then we all wanted to go in,so Sam went in,then came out.Then me,Mary,and Anna got in.No one could get out,but eventually Mary got out and Anna got out.Then I was the oldest,so I was the hardest to get out.Then we were like,"That was SOO scary!"but we cleaned shells to and I got 3 very pretty ones.So yeah.

Fairest....Almost Finished

I am ALMOST done with Fairest by Gail Carson Levine(also author of Ella Enchanted)It's about this girl named Aza and she lives in Ayortha,and she works and lives at the Featherbed Inn that her mom and dad own.Then one day she goes to the kings wedding...and the queen,Ivi,asks Aza to be her assistant.But,Aza thinks she's ugly and she always will be....but one day she found a mirror,an enchanted mirror,and when she looked into it she was very beautiful.But then,people around the castle start accusing her of her voice(people in Ayortha love to sing EVERYTHING)and start thinking she's an ogress and they leave to get the jail people....but when they got there,there was a diffrent Aza.The mirror told her to something and then she was beautiful.But she was still taken to the castle dungeon and then she escaped,so the jail guard took her to the mountains and then the gnome caverns and thats where I left off.Phew.

The Book of Three

This is the Book of Three Book 1 in the Chronicles of Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander.I just started it and I'm only on page 2 because I've been wanting to read.This book is actually in the 6th grade section of our library....so I picked it.Some of the books look(yes I know,don't judge a book by it's cover)but don't you think Harry Potter is more.....7th and 8th gradish?Oh well.The two pages I read about 2 days ago was pretty good.(If I can remember the 2 pages!)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Nancy Drew

I just finished Nancy Drew and the Quest of the Missing Map.I stopped reading Nancy Drew when Harry Potter was introduced(and I must say,Harry Potter is MUCH better!But I still read Nancy Drew because of all the mystery)but this book in the series was pretty good.Nancy and her friends solve two mysteries that have links.Mrs.Chatham's husband has a half of a map leading to a "treasure island"-Little Palm Island and Ellen's dad (Nancy's friend)has the other half,but theives try to get both halves.In the end,all the theives get put in jail,and everyone gets to have a piece of the treasure,so yeah.