
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I buzz. Yes, I buzz, and I've commented and posted like, 1000 buzzes. It's soooo fun!!! But people use abbreviations that you don't know, so here's some help:

NM: Nothin' much/never mind
JK: Just Kidding
HH: hee hee or he he
W/E: whatever
U: U can figure that out
22ly: Totally

More coming...


Weather here has been..weird here lately. A couple of weeks ago it was 90 degrees, and the next day is was a LOT cooler. Right now, it's 52 degrees. My friend in CA says that it was 90 degrees too, and got a little cooler later. My other friend in CO says that THEY JUST HAD A SNOW STORM and a few days later it would be 78 degrees, ish. And it's rainy here, by the way. Cold and rainy, the worst weather you could have on a perfectly good Tuesday, and then the rain and coldness cam in and ruined. Oh well.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Mile :(

On May 25, 2010, I will have to do the mile. In the year we have done 4 official miles, but our track is 1/3 a mile, so every time we run it three times in a week, we're doing a mile. My best time (so far) was 10:14. But this time, we found out that ALL of the upstairs homerooms will be doing the mile together. Last time I didn't bring water...and that was fall, so it was colder (luckily) and I survived. But with the heat wave we've been getting, it might be HOT or COLD, I do not know. But I know I'll HAVE to bring water anyway. But, they have a practice mile (not with all the homerooms)too. Forgot to tell you, AFTER we've done the real, with homerooms mile, we've done 4 miles. Not 6.