
Friday, January 1, 2010

I am Getting a......

I am getting a blue iPod!!(Well,I already got it)It's awesome!!!


It's January 1st!

Here is what I am feeling....

1. I am tired because I stayed up until midnight last night.
2.I am tired because I had two sleepovers in a row.
3. I do not want to watch a Bakugan movie with my brother.
4. I want to have my friend Ashley over
5. I NEED to put my new Harry Potter calendar up
6. Anyone know what Japenese year it is (boar,tiger,monkey etc.)
7. Say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! to someone.
8. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
I hope your year starts out well!!!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! A lot of things will happen in 2010.Here are some of them.

1. I will turn 12 and go to Young Women's
2.Tomorrow I will have to hang up my new calendar (the Harry Potter one of course)
3.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie comes out in November
4.Other cool movies will come out
5. I will go to South Africa
6. My cute little brother will start going to kindergarten in the best school ever
7. I will start 6th grade