
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Really Long Update

May and April seemed like a blur of time to me. School's almost ended, and the bad part about it is that almost EVERYONE I know is getting out earlier than we are. That's saddening. Very. At least our Auntie's pool is almost ready. On Memorial Day we helped clean her icky pool. At least, that was how it was then. It got cleaner. Luckily. It was full of greenish-blue algae and she said it was A SWAMP the day before we cleaned it. Thunderstorms the past few days, BIG ones mind you. The thunder crackled and lightning sparked. Lots of reading the past few days too. I finished the Percy Jackson series--let me tell you, those are THE BEST books I've ever read besides Harry Potter. Finished The Demigod Files too. The funny thing about the book is that there are pictures of the "Big Three" (it's about Greek Mythology by the way-my best friend is Greek and she REALLY likes these books too) all except Hades-which I think is the most terrifying (besides Kronos) of them all. about the funny thing, there's a picture of Poesidon, he's in control of the seas and rivers and anything water. Including drinking fountains. And sea creatures. And monsters, all that kind of stuff. Anyway, the picture of him looks EXACTLY like my homeroom teacher. It's pretty scary. We did this "Memory Lane" thing about fifth grade and my friend wrote, "Mr. Oteri (my teacher) a.k.a Poesidon" my friend Alexis and I were CRACKING UP!!! But I was looking at the rest of the pictures and today at church I showed my friend Max and my teacher the pics and we were like, "That's sooo not how I imagined him or her". I could go on and on about how different they look from MY vision of them. Today I was reading another book in the Mysterious Benidict Society book--they're another set of REALLY good books. My friends and I use book character names when we sign our e-mails (I'm Hermione Granger and Annabeth Chase--a girl from the Percy Jackson series) and her book name is Kate, from the Mysterious Benidict Society,and she always carries a red bucket. And she's really flexible and able to climb things and sneak through things really easily. Anyway, I was reading the Prisoner's Dilemma in the series and it's really good so far. Then I read the first Fablehaven book and THAT was really good so I want to read the second one. *Breathing hard*
Phew, that was a lot to type.

Busy, Busy, Busy

At school there are so many field trips and special things that are going on in the last 2 weeks of school I can't even name them all. Here are the "few" ones I CAN name...

Kickball Tournament--Team Name: The O Trains (?)
Lexington and Concord--Excited about that!
The Hartshorne House--Historic Monument in our town
The Math Walk--Walking to our local lake, with stops at pizza places and places like that to do math problems--takes about an hour to GET to the lake--normally takes 10 minutes
Social Studies "Pop-Up" book due sometime, our teacher won't tell us when...
My end-of-the-year PAR-TAY with 5 of my BEST friends--but sadly one won't be there because she's going to Nebraska (about to type Alaska-who would go THERE for vacation??)
And I have survived my first year of middle school (fifth grade for our town, the 7th and 8th graders are TOWERING over you, especially the really tall ones), and...

Will be officially started!