
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Room Pt.2

I just got an idea for another color scheme...black,white,and red!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Caroll

Down the Rabbit Hole Alice goes!On the way to find a way back to home she meets a caterpillar smoking a hooka in a turban, a March Hare,the Mad Hatter,the Duchess,mice,lizards, and a very curious rabbit with a time watch in his hand saying to himself, "My tail off I am going to be very very late." Sh ealso encounters a Cheshire Cat that smiles and disappears, leaving it's smile behind.

Heard about the movie? Me and my friend both agreed that Johnny Depp looked VERY freaky from the previews. So does Mary Bonham Carter as the Queen of Hearts. My dad said that Johnny depp is good at being freaky and I guess he is.

Turquoise and brown + white, or Black and yellow + white?

Here's the deal. Hopefully I will get my OWN room soon (with privacy...YES!!) and I want to decide color schemes. I was thinking black,yellow, and white
Turquoise,brown and white. The yellow and black would have black furniture and the turquoise and brown would either have white or mahogany furniture. Which scheme do you think should do?

LEAVE COMMENTS.....pretty please with a cherry on top!

The iPod

Ah.The iPod nano is AWESOME!!! After I bought some albums and songs my mom added 72
songs onto my iPod. Well, here are some of the other songs I bought...

1. Album- Ocean Eyes-Owl City
2. Album(Single)- Hot Air Balloon-Owl City
3. Album(Single)-Strawberry Avalanche-Owl City
4. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince soundtrack
  • Ginny
  • Ron's Victory
  • Wizard Wheezes
  • Harry & Hermione
  • When Harry {Kissed} Ginny
  • Weasly Stomp
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix soundtrack
  • The Flight of the Order of the Phoenix
6.Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire soundtrack
  • The Quidditch World Cup