
Saturday, September 4, 2010

I Have ANOTHER new blog

Ok, so the other Harry blog didn't work out so well. So, I decided to start another blog, mainly about the 39 Clues. There are different clues hidden in the books, so I guess I'll do a step-by-step of how to solve them.. and so much more! Here's the link: http://the39cluesarecool.blogspot.com/
So enjoy!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Olympians

Came across this Olympian website/blog and thought the way he re-did comics were cool!!!
Here's the link:

And whoever names most of the gods and goddesses in the comments gets eternal glory(or bragging rights, but that's a boring name)!!! Memorize your gods and goddesses!


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I've been trying to get back in the groove of reading again, before school starts. And we picked up a few new books at the book store and they are, the second book of Fablehaven by Brandon Mull, which is the Rise of the Evening Star, I can't wait to read it!!! And the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I read another book by her called Gregor the Overlander, which was amazingly good. And so was Fabehaven. I read another of Brandon Mull's books too, The Candy Shop Wars... amazingly good too!

A Movie

I saw the Sorcerer's Apprentice a week ago. It was pretty good! If you've ever watched the fully-animated Disney version of the Sorcerer's Apprentice, with Mickey Mouse and everything, I think it was kind of; but not really, based on that. It even had the scene where the apprentice makes the mops and all the other cleaning supplies do the cleaning for him, then he leaves the room, thinking they're ok. Well, when he comes back, like Mickey Mouse, the room is filled with water, then the sorcerer cleans it up. Pretty cool to see it in real-people form! Anyway, go see it, it's really good! And by the way, I hope you like the new layout of my blog!

School's starting... wait what?

School's starting TOMORROW. I can't believe it. I'm kind of excited, although kinda nervous. I have 3 friends already in the same class as me, so I guess that's good. I have everything ready in my backpack and ready to go except lunch of course. I'm contemplating whether to bring a book of mine or not... I'll figure it out! The weather's still warm here so of course I still don't know what to wear.... another dilemma. Oh well. I'll update tomorrow. My teacher's name is Mr. Boyd. A lot of my friends wanted him (including me) and my friends' brothers and sisters said that he was really nice....unless you get on his nerves (I hope I won't). Oh well. See you tomorrow!!! (By the way I made A TON of mistakes on this post because I'm so nervous/excited for tomorrow...they're fixed though)

School's starting... wait what?

School's starting NEXT WEEK. I can't believe it. I'm kind of excited, although kinda nervous. I have 3 friends already in the same class as me, so I guess that's good. Oh well. See ya later.

TO clear it up...

Yes I do know who Justin Bieber, and a regular girl would love him..... and I absolutely dislike him. To the lest is Justin "Beaver". Ha ha. So there. Just sayin, in case you were wondering if I knew who Justin Bieber was or not.

More cookies... kind of

Okay, experimenting with cookies is the funnest thing you can ever do. So, with the chocolate chip cookie recipe I had, I put the mixture into a brownie pan. And an update to the recipe, use 3 cookies instead of 2. It looks weird in the bowl or whatever, but they're the same old cookies. And when you double the recipe use 6 cookies. Yes I said 6 eggs. And I also put them into a muffin/cupcake pan. I sprayed them with cooking spray.. I haven't tasted them with the cooking spray yet.. I think they're the same. Oh well. I hope to blog a lot more this year! See ya lateh!